09 June 2010

History of zero

The use of zero as a number should be distinguished from its use as a placeholder numeral in place-value systems. Many ancient texts used zero. Babylonians and Egyptian texts used it. Egyptians used the word nfr to denote zero balance in double entry accounting entries. Indian texts used a Sanskrit word Shunya to refer to the concept of void; in mathematics texts this word would often be used to refer to the number zero.[3]

Records show that the Ancient Greeks seemed unsure about the status of zero as a number: they asked themselves "how can 'nothing' be something?" leading to interesting philosophicalvacuum. The paradoxes of Zeno of Elea depend in large part on the uncertain interpretation of zero. (The ancient Greeks even questioned if 1 was a number.) and, by the Medieval period, religious arguments about the nature and existence of zero and the

The late Olmec people of south-central Mexico began to use a true zero (a shell glyph) in the New World possibly by the 4th century BC but certainly by 40 BC, which became an integral part of Maya numerals and the Maya calendar. Mayan arithmetic used base 4 and base 5 written as base 20. Sanchez in 1961 reported a base 4, base 5 'finger' abacus.

By 130, Ptolemy, influenced by Hipparchus and the Babylonians, was using a symbol for zero (a small circle with a long overbar) within a sexagesimal numeral system otherwise using alphabetic Greek numerals. Because it was used alone, not as just a placeholder, this Hellenistic zero was the first documented use of a true zero in the Old World. In later ByzantineSyntaxis Mathematica (Almagest), the Hellenistic zero had morphed into the Greek letter omicron (otherwise meaning 70). manuscripts of his

Another true zero was used in tables alongside Roman numerals by 525 (first known use by Dionysius Exiguus), but as a word, nulla meaning nothing, not as a symbol. When division produced zero as a remainder, nihil, also meaning nothing, was used. These medieval zeros were used by all future medieval computists (calculators of Easter). An isolated use of their initial, N, was used in a table of Roman numerals by Bede or a colleague about 725, a true zero symbol.

An early documented use of the zero by Brahmagupta (in the Brahmasphutasiddhanta) dates to 628. He treated zero as a number and discussed operations involving it, including division. By this time (7th century) the concept had clearly reached Cambodia, and documentation shows the idea later spreading to China and the Islamic world.

History of Numbers

The first use of numbers

It is speculated that the first known use of numbers dates back to around 35,000 BC. Bones and other artifacts have been discovered with marks cut into them which many consider to be tally marks. The uses of these tally marks may have been for counting elapsed time, such as numbers of days, or keeping records of quantities, such as of animals.

Tallying systems have no concept of place-value (such as in the currently used decimal notation), which limit its representation of large numbers and as such is often considered that this is the first kind of abstract system that would be used, and could be considered a Numeral System.

The first known system with place-value was the Mesopotamian base 60 system (ca. 3400 BC) and the earliest known base 10 system dates to 3100 BC in Egypt.[2]

05 June 2010


A Kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they were drawing. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's work.

As she got to one little girl who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was. The girl replied, "I'm drawing God."

The teacher paused and said, "But no one knows what God looks like." Without missing a beat, or looking up from her drawing, the girl replied,

"They will in a minute."

03 June 2010

Ways To Stay Stressed Part III

DISCARD GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT SKILLS. Schedule in more activities every day than you can possibly get done and then worry about it all whenever you get a chance.

PROCRASTINATE. Putting things off to the last second always produces a marvelous amount of stress.

WORRY ABOUT THINGS YOU CAN'T CONTROL. Worry about the stock market, earthquakes, the approaching Ice Age, you know, all the big issues.

BECOME NOT ONLY A PERFECTIONIST BUT SET IMPOSSIBLY HIGH STANDARDS......and either beat yourself up, or feel guilty, depressed, discouraged, and/or inadequate when you don't meet them.

THROW OUT YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR. Staying stressed is no laughing matter, and it shouldn't be treated as one.

Ways To Stay Stressed Part II

GET RID OF YOUR SOCIAL SUPPORT SYSTEM. Let the few friends who are willing to tolerate you know that concern yourself with friendships only if you have time, and you never have time. If a few people persist in trying to be your friend, avoid them.

PERSONALIZE ALL CRITICISM. Anyone who criticizes any aspect of your work, family, dog, house, or car is mounting a personal attack. Don't take time to listen, be offended, then return the attack!

MALES AND FEMALES ALIKE - BE MACHO. Never ever ask for help, and if you want it done right, do it yourself!

BECOME A WORKAHOLIC. Put work before everything else, and be sure to take work home evenings and weekends. Keep reminding yourself that vacations are for sissies.

Ways To Stay Stressed

Are you worried now about how to stay stressed? You'll have no trouble if you practice the following clinically proven methods:

NEVER EXERCISE. Exercise wastes a lot of time that could be spent worrying.

EAT ANYTHING YOU WANT. Hey, if cigarette smoke can't cleanse your system, a balanced diet isn't likely to.

GAIN WEIGHT. Work hard at staying at least 25 pounds over your recommended weight.

TAKE PLENTY OF STIMULANTS. The old standards of caffeine, nicotine, sugar, and cola will continue to do the job just fine.

07 May 2010



1. Ingin hidup mewah, ikut kawan, mewarisi keluarga, & dll.Walau apa pun alasan yang diberikan, proses untuk berjaya di dalam sesuatu bidang perniagaan adalah tetap sama.Oleh itu persiapan yang sebaik mungkin perlu dilakukan sebelum membuat keputusan untuk berniaga.Tanpa persiapan yang lengkap, kemungkinan untuk menemui kegagalan dan kekecewaan adalah terbuka luas.Kenyataan ini bukan hanya ditujukan kepada para peniaga sahaja, malah di dalam semua aspek penghidupan,kekayaan tidak datang bergolek tetapi hendaklah melalui perancangan yang teratur, perlaksanaan usaha yang betul dengan penuh kesungguhan disertai dengan doa dan tawalkkal yang sempurna.


Pelbagai pihak telah memberikan takrifan yang berbeza.

Peter Drucker yang digelar ” Bapa Pengurusan” barat di dalam bukunya Enterprenuership (1996) mendifinisikan usahawan sebagai seorang yang berupaya memindahkan sumber ekonomi dari sektor yang kurang upaya produktivitinya ke sektor yang lebih tinggi daya produktivitinya.

Dr Joel Barker pula di dalam bukunya Paradigm (1994) pula mendifinisikan usahawan sebagai orang yang mewujudkan nilai tambah ke dalam pasaran. ( Dipetik dari buku KEUSAHAWANAN & PERNIAGAAN karangan Dr Barjoyai Bardai, 2000)

Dr Barjoyai Bardai di dalam bukunya, bahagian 1 telah menerangkan ciri-ciri yang terdapat di antara pengurus, peniaga dan usahawan. Beliau telah menerangkan seperti berikut :

PENGURUS ialah orang yang menguruskan perniagaan bagi pihak pemilik perniagaan. Walaupun dia bertanggungjawab terhadap keseluruhan perniagaan namun begitu sebenarnya dia hanyalah pegawai yang bekerja dengan pemilik perniagaan tersebut. Di sini yang paling penting ialah pengurus tidak perlu memberikan modal dalam perniagaan dan juga tidak menanggung risiko perniagaan.

PENIAGA ialah orang yang menjalankan perniagaan dan melakukan urusan jualbeli barang-barang dan perkhidmatan.Peniaga biasanya menumpukan perhatiannya kepada sesuatu perniagaan yang khusus. Peniaga juga biasanya menghadkan perhatiannya kepada satu-satu jenis perniagaan sahaja. Contoh perniagaan seperti kedai runcit, gerai makan, kedai dobi dan sebagainya. Golongan profesional seperti doktor swasta juga boleh termasuk di dalam golongan ini.

USAHAWAN pula ialah orang yang lebih berpandangan luas dalam sesuatu perniagaan. Dia sentiasa meninjau dan mencari peluang-peluang perniagaan. Usahawan mempunyai keistimewaan yang membolehkannya mewujudkan peluang pelaburan dan mengenalpasti projek-projek yang dianggap menguntungkan.


Untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam perniagaan, persiapan perlu disediakan. Antara persiapan-persiapan yang perlu disediakan sebelum seseorang usahawan menceburi bidang keusahawanan mengikut keutamaan ialah seperti berikut :-


i. Jujur, Amanah, Berdisiplin Dan Bertanggungjawab.
ii. Berani dan Tabah
iii. Rendah diri dan Tidak Sombong
iv. Sentiasa bersedia untuk belajar dan mendengar daripada orang lain
v. Kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik.
vi. Sangka baik terhadap orang lain dan berfikiran positif.
vii. Berhati-hati
viii. Proaktif
ix. Berfikir sebelum bertindak
x. Sentiasa berusaha mewujudkan suasana yang menguntungkan kepada semua pihak yang terlibat
(establish a win-win situasion)


i. Pengetahuan tentang operasi perniagaan . Setiap usahawan hendaklah mengetahui secara mendalam aspek operasi perniagaan yang beliau ingin ceburi terlebih dahulu. Sekiranya beliau ingin menjalankan perniagaan jual beli perkakas aksesories kereta, beliau hendaklah mengetahui tentang aspek harga, jenis produk,, pembekal dan pelanggan yang akan berurusan dengannya. Begitu juga beliau perlu tahu tentang kekuatan dan kelemahan yang terdapat di dalam bidang perniagaan tersebut. Beliau harus mampu untuk mengendalikan dan menjalankan dengan sendiri sebarang perniagaan yang beliau ceburi.

ii. Pengetahuan Mengenai Pengurusan
a. Mengendalikan pembantu serta pekerja dengan baik.
b. Mengendalikan urusan kewangan serta perakaunan dengan cekap.
c. Menyediakan sistem pengurusan yang mengikut undang-undang negara dengan sempurna.

iii. Pengetahuan Agama Mengenai Perniagaan


Bank, MARA, MIDF, SMEDEC, CGC, Syarikat Kewangan, Simpanan Sendiri, Keluarga, Kawan-Kawan Pelabur / Rakan Kongsi DLL…


Globalisasi dan liberisasi di bawah AFTA & WTO.

AFTA :- Kita mempunyai peluang cerah kerana pasaran yang luas yang mana jumlah rakyat / pengguna seramai lebih kurang 510 juta.Negara kita mempunyai infrastruktur yang baik seperti KLIA, Pelabuhan, CYBERjaya yang menempatkan pejabat antarabangsa yang menggunakan sistem IT yang canggih. Lebuhraya yang baik, memudahkan pergerakan laluan darat.

Halangan. Persaingan yang hebat dalam pasaran kerana semua negara Asean berebut memasuki pasaran Asean dengan penawaran yang kompetatif. Kos buruh kita yang tinggi yang memungkinkan kita kalah dari harga.




22 March 2010

Connor's Charity

We utilise the ardour, enthusiasm, knowledge and skills of western trained tradespeople and university graduates and final year 'near-grads'.

With these valued and appreciated human assets, we will furthur the higher educational, trades based vocational and/or employment opportunities of our charges.

Working with young recovered drug addicts, refugees, orphans and other 'at risk' young people, we will open to their minds and energies opportunities they previously couldn't imagine.

Their parents may have been locked into the grindstone of absolute poverty or fled from absolute terror under persecution, struggling just to live. Our charges contemporaries and older siblings have been lost to the vicious downward spiral of loneliness, prostitution, drugs. Eventually many have been driven to violent crime.

With the resources and caring concern of our two great brother traditions our charges will have a different future.

Our orphans will have a new great family of effort and innovation to embrace them.

Our recovered drug addicts will recieve rehabilitation, sport, music, arts, education and training. Before they could imagine a future only of desperation, prostitution, drugs, violence and crime.

The strong arms of the Abrahamic traditions through AFRICA will bring the light of education, effort, solidarity, self-improvement/fulfillment and community responsibility.

Our refugees will gain their human right to the balm of a feeling of safety. From a motivation only to run and hide from all they know and love, they will have a sense of safety that allows all their creative energies to be furthured, nourished and appreciated.Like a well run business we utlise our resources well.